So, while visiting a friend recently I had the pleasure of viewing "The Voices," in glorious high definition, I point this out because we still watch TV on a dinosaur in my home. Something struck me as odd while I watched this movie, something about the actor and a movie he performed in only two years later...Deadpool doesn't have multiple internal voices, but this no-name did!

TITLE: The Voices

A likable guy pursues his office crush with the help of his evil talking pets, but things turn sinister when she stands him up for a date.
This was a pretty great movie. So you've got this generic seeming character, Jerry, in this lame job that is equivalent to that one job that everybody worked that nobody wanted to work, and everything is normal. Then you're introduced to his talking cat and dog. Okay, everything's not entirely all right. Then we get to meet his psychiatrist (I might have those two events backwards) and now we know what's going on. Jerry's completely loopy.
Unfortunately, movies nowadays don't leave a lot to the imagination, I mean, just look at that box art, you know right off the bat where this movie is going. Need more assistance? You can read that summary up there? Want even more though, how about "Hey man, this is a great movie, but the guy goes A Little Piece of Heaven on his lady."
Well thanks for that. Aha! Not actually in spoiler territory yet! With that being said though, there's not really a necessity for spoiler warnings, I can just say that we get this gradual introduction to everything around Jerry, and deep in the movie we finally learn what really cracked the kid. You know, what really made Jerry, Jerry.
So yeah, if you have the stomach for a decent amount of blood and gore (I mean, nothing compared to Saw!) and aren't offended by cats who curse like sailors, this is a great watch.
Nine out of Ten paranoid schizophrenics would give this movie Four Scottish evil cats, out of Five.
Hardly anything's perfect, but everything's worth watching it seems.