Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May the Fourth Be With You: STAR WARS

Today's International Star Wars Day (and the paper's running that across the top of the front page) so we're doing a little generic post today! Not even entirely themed around cinema, because anyone who knows me knows that since Disney bought LucasArts I've been looking for one particular movie trilogy, and it was not a sequel to the original.

Because COME ON! He's like the granddaddy of all Sith Lords (screw you Revan, you don't count.)

 Actually, this trailer...

Y'know what? Instead of some generic story about how great one of the greatest film franchises of all time is, I think I will make this one about a single cinematic idea. That one!

That's the trilogy we deserve, and the one we need. A story that's not rife with overdone with characters, extrapolated nonsense and derivative useless villains. I'm not one to say a Star Wars movie sucks, I'll generally admit that I like all seven, I'll pick favorites and choose sides just like most anyone else, but generally they're all pretty good movies. At the same time, why not take a new approach, from an old legend, and give a true Sith the lime light.

As simply fantastic as a continuing existence of the Sith is, as they are the Tails of the Force coin, the inevitable Yin to the Jedi's Yang, it's kind of a given, we don't need another movie to say "Oh, by the way, Luke failed." Although, realistically, he didn't. If the entire purpose of the Skywalker line was bring to balance to the force, and Ben Solo turned all evil and became a Sith lord, and left the light side with one master, who would seek out an apprentice, and the dark side with one master and apprentice, their goal is achieved. Balance would exist in the force. If anything, when Anakin went all monster-baby-killer in Episode III he was fulfilling the prophecy.

But, all of that aside, Kylo Ren is just a terrible Sith. Sure, he has the "being emotional" thing down, but...if being emotional was what it took to be a good Sith, he wouldn't lose so terribly. He's a child, he fights like a child, he thinks like a child and he throws tantrums like a child. As much as we want Kylo Ren to be this epitome of evil, he's only a toddler with a lightsaber. The Sith can't just be emotional, otherwise they lose almost everything they have. Sidious succeeded in all of the Sith's goals (except eliminating the Jedi, but if Vader weren't so useless that wouldn't have been a problem, just KILL PADME!) not by being an emotional little brat, but by being cunning, calm and in control. That didn't prevent him from having anger or expressing hatred, but he knew how and when to do it, and he harnessed that preparedness for the future. Sounds like someone else...

 Didn't watch this video...just liked the image.

Darth Bane, the originator of the modern Rule of Two (if I recall Revan first thought up the idea, but hey, he couldn't choose between the Jedi and the Sith, so whatever,) is perhaps the epitome of the Sith (until his final days, where he kind of screws things up due to the very basis of his ideology,) introducing the system of power purification that would eventually lead to the (near) destruction of the Jedi, the fall of the Galactic Republic, and the establishment of a new Galactic Empire (for a couple decades.)

Bane represents all that the Dark Side ought to: cunning, power and treachery. With a will and desire to grow, no matter the cost, and a vision that spans centuries (see: Sidious' Galactic Empire.)

 Zannah and the Sith Code

So yeah, that first video I linked to, that Darth Bane Trilogy Movie Trailer. Why is Disney not doing this?! Sure, that trailer wasn't the most enthusing thing on youtube, amateur trailers seldom are, but it was darn decent for an amateur trailer, and the very idea of a Darth Bane movie makes my hair stand on end!

  Come on Disney...Do it!

That's it really, I guess, I just really like the Star Wars franchise and REALLY REALLY hope we get this movie some day. Although apparently that won't happen for at least another four years or something. Money grubbing Disney...refusing to do new things just because "Han Solo" and "Rogue Squadron" are so friggin' popular...

Thanks for joining me on this ranting dribble! Peace out!

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